Consumer Safety Guide was created to help keep the public informed about consumer dangers and safety issues associated with products currently on the market that can cause harm. The website is constantly being updated with information on the most popular prescription medications and FDA-approved medical devices that have been linked to severe complications.
Did you know that crystal meth is the most abused drug in Hawai'i? The Rehab Spot is a great resource for our community to learn more about Drug Rehab and break stigmas surrounding treatment and drug abuse disorders.
The Recovery Village offers comprehensive treatment for dual diagnosis based drug and alcohol rehab, eating disorder and mental health treatments tailored to the patient’s specific needs.
Addiction Center is a great resource for people who are struggling with drug use, or know someone who is. It discusses addiction across all ages and backgrounds, the signs to look for, the different effects of different drugs, and provides centers for rehab and community support.
The Statewide Pacific Islander Asian American Resource and Coordinating Center (SPARC) program, funded through the California Tobacco Control Program’s Statewide Coordinating Center grant, aims to foster interactive and integrative collaboration and communication among regional projects and others in the state working to reduce tobacco-related disparities among the diverse Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.
An estimated 3,300 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare but virulent type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. While mesothelioma is one of the better-known diseases to come out of asbestos exposure, the group of carcinogens has also been known to cause different forms of cancer and other diseases. Mesothelioma Hub is making it their mission to provide their resources to as many people as possible.
Alcohol misuse and abuse are widespread issues affecting millions of Americans of all ages and backgrounds. Addiction Group's team of journalists, researchers, doctors, and medical professionals has created a fact-based resource center on alcohol addiction and treatment.